Prayer For Priests # 31 (By Msgr. Gilles Gazabon, O.M.I., Bishop of Saint-Jérôme, Quebec, Canada, 1998) - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer For Priests # 31 (By Msgr. Gilles Gazabon, O.M.I., Bishop of Saint-Jérôme, Quebec, Canada, 1998)

Lord, keep them in your love!

Virgin Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd,
in you we come to praise our Almighty Father
for his loving design for the Church.
We entrust unto you, Mary,
who were standing at the foot of th cross [John 19:25],
the Church, the pope, the bishops and all the priests:
offer them to Jesus Eucharist;
support them in joys and in bad situations;
make them radiate with Jesus' merciful love.



May the pastors challenge people:
so that, by looking at them, they feel Jesus' love;
and that they draw to Him many vocations.
Thus all those who, with them, feel called to follow Jesus,
can say as you did, Mary:
"May it be to me as you have said" [Luke 1:38b].
And may all believe and sing the praises of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.




Previous Prayer:
Prayer For Priests # 30(By Msgr. André Vallée, Bishop of Hearst, Ontario, Canada)
Next Prayer:
Prayer For Priests # 32(From the 1928 Book of Common Prayer)






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