Prayer against Stress - All Powerful Prayers

Prayer against Stress

When you feel anger, negativity, fear or sadness, do you turn your heart to God? Many Christians are fearful of bringing negative emotions to the Lord because they feel they need to be perfect when addressing Him. They may believe that they cannot speak to God about feelings that steer them away from the Word. This cannot be further from the truth!

God wants you to come to Him during the darkest of times, no matter what negative emotions you feel or the sins you have committed. He loves you endlessly, and will lift you up during these hard times if you look toward Him. No one can suppress negative emotions and thoughts and God understands that! Take a moment to sit with God and ask Him for guidance. He will lead you toward positivity and grace.

No matter the painful and difficult emotions you are facing, God will be there for you every step of the way. God walks with you during times of sadness, anger and fear and lifts you up when you need Him the most. Talk to God and ask Him for guidance during these tender moments.

If you are struggling to speak to God about your negative feelings, this prayer will help get you started.






I worry. Fear is a real enemy. Finances, a difficult decision, a conflict with a partner, a challenge in my work scenario ... these situations matter.I know You are not asking me to deny reality here. I’m not. But whatever my case, imagined or real, I turn the worry portion of this situation back to You, here and now. Settle my stress. Calm my anxiety and the agitation in my body. I see myself handing this entire matter into Your strong and good hand. As I do that now, I won’t neglect to add, “Thank you!”

In Jesus’ name, Amen!




Previous Prayer:
Prayer for Fear
Next Prayer:
Prayer against Desperation






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