Firefighter's Prayer - All Powerful Prayers

Firefighter's Prayer

Firefighters often face great risks. They dedicate their lives to the protection of others and need our prayers because no two days are alike for a firefighter. Things happen that can take them by surprise and sometimes lead to tragedy.

We usually only think of these men and women when we need them or when someone we know needs them. The next time you hear a fire truck’s siren, say this prayer for the firefighters and thank God for them and their putting their lives on the line for us.






When I am called to duty, God, whenever flames may rage; Give me the strength to save some life, whatever be its age.

Help me embrace a little child before it's too late Or save an older person from the horror of that fate.
Enable me to be alert and hear the weakest shout, And quickly and efficiently to put the fire out.

I want to fill my calling to give the best in me, To guard my every neighbor and protect their property.
And if, according to my fate, I am to lose my life; Please bless with your protecting hand my children and my wife.





Previous Prayer:
A Prayer for Firefighters
Next Prayer:
Prayer for Firefighters - Confidence in the face of danger






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