Father's Prayer For Loved Ones - All Powerful Prayers

Father's Prayer For Loved Ones

Kind Father, I thank You for my home where loved ones dwell
and to which my fondest memories now turn.
I praise You for the family love and peace and cheer
which follow me and comfort me in strange and distant places.
I am grateful for all things we share in common,
the worthy lessons we learn,
the hardships and griefs we sometimes bear,
the tasks and pleasures which bind us closer to each other,
and the abiding affection and heartfelt prayers
which still keep our spirits one in You.



Shelter my home. O God,
and all my dear ones there.
Make me strong, unselfish,
and brave to defend and protect them.
Send down Your peace to every family on earth
and grant an abundance of grace to them
so that in doing Your will
they may merit the joys of eternal salvation.




Previous Prayer:
Father's Prayer
Next Prayer:
Fatima Prayer # 1






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