EMS' Prayers - All Powerful Prayers

EMS' Prayers

As I perform my duty, Lord, whatever be the call,
Help to guide and keep me safe from dangers big and small.
I want to serve and do my best, no matter what the scene.
I pledge to keep my skills refined, my judgement quick and keen.
This calling to give of myself, most don't understand,



But I stand ready all the time to help my fellow man.
To have the chance to help a child restore his laugh with glee,
A word of thanks I might not hear, but knowing is enough for me.
The praise of men is fine for some, but I feel truly blessed.
Thank you, Oh Lord, for have chosen me to serve in EMS.



Previous Prayer:
Prayer For Employment # 2(By Father Anthony Petrusic)
Next Prayer:
EMT's Prayers






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